Simply put, a woman’s heart is what matters and not her physical appearance, as in the Nigerian case, Women are beginning to embrace the Western mode of worship (Pentecostal) and therefore neglecting the culture of wearing veils to cover their hair in church as all depends on the cultural value of the woman.
She reflects unequivocally the respect she holds for the presence of the Holy Angels at the Divine Liturgy thereby reflecting the divine invisible order and making that order visible at worship.
Her veiling is also an act of inviting her environment and those in it to focus on God and not on her as she encounters the divine in prayer.
Veiling is a sign of modesty for the woman of honor. Nothing could be more powerful in witnessing that God is the center of our worship than taking ourselves out of it.
Look at the things that are veiled in the Old Testament and in our Liturgy. In the Old Testament, the Ark of the Covenant was kept in the Veiled Holy of Holies. At Mass, the Chalice – the vessel that holds the Precious Blood of Christ is veiled until the Offertory. The Ciborium in the Tabernacle, the vessel that holds the Precious Body of Christ is veiled. All these vessels of life are veiled because they are holy. Our Lady, a vessel of life per excellence is always veiled. By veiling their head in Church, women affirm themselves as vessels of life in their imitation of our Blessed Mother.
By men keeping their head uncovered while women veil their head in Church, we witness our recognition of the fact that we are equal in creation but have different roles in it.
Therefore, it is an absolute honor for a woman to veil herself in Church. It keeps her true to Tradition, to Scripture, to her own desire to submit to God, to be a vessel of life, and to give glory to God. Many may come with deceiving arguments that this is an old tradition and not required in modern times. Remember, that the Bible tells us that the Wisdom of God is foolishness to the Greeks – that is to unbelievers. This matter is therefore not about human argument but about witnessing and testifying to the world that as a woman, God is your head; that you are submitted unto His authority; that Him, not you, is the focus of your worship; that Him, not you, gets glory by your presence in Church; and that whatever it takes to bring about the Lordship of Christ over you, you are willing to do. In all things, it is God’s Word that matters. The prophet Isaiah tells us: “If you are willing, and obey, you shall eat the good things of the land; but if you refuse and resist, the sword shall consume you: for the mouth of the LORD has spoken! (Isaiah 1:19-20).
Judith 3/29/2010 I have no problem in wearing a veil in church. I am a catholic but while I was growing up my mother let us attend the Baptist church in our village, in this church we could not go in without out head tie. and in there we learn about why God made us and so on. I could do that again. Statement number 1 and 5 are the most important reasons. Timothy Nwaorgu 7/19/2011 In the Nigerian Culture, it is perceived that a lady who covers her hair is well cultured in Christianity and the norms of the church. As observed, when a lady exposes her hair in church, some members perceives it to be unholy, immoral and abominable in the sight of God. I remember a day in the church when a Lady walked in without her hair veil, some concerned people had to contribute their handkerchiefs to form a veil for her to cover her hair.
Simply put, a woman’s heart is what matters and not her physical appearance, as in the Nigerian case, Women are beginning to embrace the Western mode of worship (Pentecostal) and therefore neglecting the culture of wearing veils to cover their hair in church as all depends on the cultural value of the woman.