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How Faith Works

In Matt 15:28 we read: “Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” It is amazing how many people got what they wanted from Jesus because they hung in with Jesus no matter what obstacle stood on the way.

In order to get the attention of Jesus, Bartimaeus had to shout over and above all the voices telling him to keep quiet. The Canaanite woman refused to bow down in spite of all the seeming insults she went through trying to have her daughter healed by Jesus.

You see, when Christ speaks about people having great faith, He is referencing the level of their determination and hard work in what they are seeking for. Faith is God’s blessing unfolding in human effort. When we seek favors from the Lord, we must pray as though everything depends on God and work so hard as though everything depends on us. It is the combination of the two that produces a miracle. We may have been praying for something, hoping and wishing for something and nothing seems to be happening. Dear friend, never give up! All it takes is one more effort, one more application, one more interview, one more trip, and one more trial, to cross over to the other side into blessings.

Grace works on work and is perfected in work. We must keep doing all we can for the realization of our aspirations and keep praying fervently with thanksgiving in our hearts. There will be obstacles on the way to overcome, rivers to wade through, and walls to knock down. The truth is that there is a spirit in each and every one of us that is greater than our opposition. As Scripture says: “My righteous one shall live by faith but if he draws back, I have no pleasure in him” (Heb. 10:38).

Drawing back is not our portion! Moving forward, and into blessings is our promise! Soon and very soon, the Lord God will say: “My child, you have great faith, your request is granted” This is my prayer for all in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!

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