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Writer's pictureAnselm Nwaorgu


Updated: Oct 19, 2021


The Story of Easter is truly the story of new beginnings; of recreation, rebirth, and rejuvenation. Yes, it is the story of Christ resurrected, but it is also the story of a woman, Mary Magdalene— probably the woman caught in adultery, or the one from whom Christ cast out seven demons, or the prostitute who washed the feet of Jesus with expensive perfume—whichever one she is, she became the first person to see the risen Lord and the first preacher of the resurrection story. Yes, we may never be able to go back and make a new beginning in life, but we all can start over and make a new ending. It is never too late to start afresh.

Life is full of turns and twists but there comes a time when we need to declare an end to whatever is holding us down; whatever does not bring joy and peace to our heart; and whatever does not contribute to our growth into the best versions of ourselves. Never accept the version of yourself that others want to create for you. Life is too short for us to leave it on edge; to let the voice of nay-sayers live rent-free in our head and direct the course of our life; to keep the key to our joy and happiness in someone else pocket. If anyone wants to see you only in the light of your past failings, if anyone sees you as though you are equal to your mistakes, such people do not deserve your presence and you need to consider giving them the gift of your absence; not to make them realize how worthy you are but to allow yourself the space to understand and acknowledge your own self-worth. Scripture says, “My son, in all your humility, have self-esteem; for if you do not honor yourself, who will honor you”? (Sirach 10:27-28).

Life is not perfect and will never be perfect. As you know, you may have taken a step forward, in the past, only to realize that a step backwards would have been the best choice. You also may have taken a step backward only to realize that a step forward would have been better. At other times, you may have realized, in hind sight, that stepping aside could have been a great choice. The truth is that life is wider than logic. Therefore, lets commit, with St. Paul, when he says, “But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14-15). The glory of Easter is to learn how to see the silver-lining in every dark moment; to notice life lessons in every situation; to feel joy and peace in every circumstance; and to make a difference in my life and the life of others. There is not much to gain looking for the living among the dead.

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